Teacher Pages/Contact
Teacher Pages/Contact
Teacher Pages/Contact![]()
Teacher Pages/Contact

Zenobia Brown
Beginning Piano

Geoff Cowan
Technical Theater I and II

Matt DeMeritt
Introduction to Drama, Intermediate Drama, Advanced Drama, Study Hall, Arts Exploration

Todd de Vlaming
Math 7, Intregrated Math 1, Integrated Math 3 A/B, Pre Calculus A/B, Math Support 11/12

Christine Duckels
Spanish 1, 2, 3, 4, AP Spanish Language, ELD Support

Edie Fogel
Beginning and Advanced Photography, Graphic Arts, Graphic Design, Arts Exploration, Study Hall
Joshua Harlan
English 7, English 9/Honors English 9, English 11/Honors English 11, Advanced Placement English Literature, Film as Literature
Anthony Harmon
Beginning Band, Concert Band, Jazz Band, Drumline, Advanced Placement Music Theory, Music Production 1 and 2, Study Hall

Emily Hengel
Physical Education 7/8, Physical Education I, II, Study Hall, Yoga/Pilates

Kim-Lee Homme
English 7, English 10/Honors English 10, Careers, Study Hall
Dallas McBride
Integrated Math 1, Integrated Math 2, Math Support 7/8, AP Calculus
Yuko McWhorter
Beginning Choir, Concert Choir, Advanced Guitar, Advanced Piano, Songwriting, Arts Exploration

Edward Peterson
Chemistry, Health, Study Skills
Mr. Peterson's Google Classroom (you will need to request a code via e-mail from the teacher, specify course, or use your student's code)

Vanessa Ramirez
Beginning and Advanced Creative Writing, Advanced Placement English Language, English 9/Honors English 9, English 11/Honors English 11, Study Skills

Kathy Smith-McQuerry
Special Education Teacher

Daniel Tejada
History 7, History 8, Martial Arts 2 and 3

Daniel Trainer
Physics, Science 8, Study Hall

Lena Webb-Magee
Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Dance, Yoga/Pilates

Glen Weisgerber
Art 1-4, Advanced Placement Studio, 2D, and 3D Art

Chor Yang
Math 8, AP Pre Calculus, Integrated Math 3, Math Support 9/10

Larry Yocum
World History, U.S. History, Civics, Economics

Zachary Zumstein
Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Strings, Beginning Guitar, Arts Exploration, Study Hall