What's New
Currently the best way to stay up to date with "What's New" in Counseling is to access the Google Classrooms: MCAA Seniors, MCAA Counseling Grades 9-12, or MCAA Counseling Grades 7-8. Please contact me at kbatchelder@mjusd.com to get the Google Classroom codes, if needed.
February Events:
Madagascar Jr., February 1, 2 PM and 7 PM
PTCO Meeting, February 3, 7 PM
Introduction to High School, February 4, 5:30 PM
School Site Council Meeting, February 6, 3:30 PM
NCBCDA Honor Band/Choir, February 6-8
Lenaea Festival, February 7 & 8
February Recess, February 10-17, No School
Introduction to High School, February 20, 5:30 PM
Bluegrass Winterfest, February 20-23
Bok Kai Parade, March 1